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Can I skip a draft pick?

Learn a workaround for how to skip a pick

Sleeper HQ avatar
Written by Sleeper HQ
Updated over a week ago

There are a number of reasons why a fantasy league might want to skip a pick in the draft. Often times, it's to penalize an owner for taking too long or breaking a league rule.

While we don't have a way (yet) for users to simply skip a pick in the draft, the commissioner could essentially do the same thing by using one of a few options.

Option 1 - Draft a player as a placeholder. As commish, you can press on the individual tile and select a very lowly-ranked player (someone that your league would never draft). This way, you can move on with your draft and that team will have a player that can't really use.

Option 2 - Draft a player, then drop them. The commissioner can select a player to be drafted in that spot. Then, using the commish tools on the mobile app, they can go in and force drop that player, sending them back to the available player pool.

Option 3 - Assign that pick to a different team. This doesn't really skip the pick, but it just gives one to another team.

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