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Intro to Bracket Mania
Intro to Bracket Mania

Info and FAQ about our college basketball game

Jacob avatar
Written by Jacob
Updated over 12 months ago

Welcome to Bracket Mania on Sleeper!

Once March rolls around, we know that a lot of the focus transitions to the NCAA tourney, and for good reason. The excitement and unpredictability of it all has users submitting brackets that they think are perfect, only to be busted very early on.

Our Bracket Mania game is available in the mobile app only, and every year by early March, you can begin creating a pool on Sleeper to host your tourney. Once selection Sunday arrives, you'll be able to start selecting teams and completing brackets.

When games do begin, you'll see orange checkmarks or gray X's for any games that you got correct, or incorrect, respectively. The screenshot below is an example of what our UI looks during the tournament.

As you can see above, this user picked Houston and Texas A&M to win, which they did. However, they chose Kentucky to win 3 rounds, but they lost to Oakland, so their name gets crossed out right away in any rounds in which they were selected to win.

We do offer up to 10 entries per user, and the commissioner can set that option in the settings:

As seen above, the commish can also set the amount of points given for a correct pick in each round.

Frequently Asked Questions

How many people can I invite into my pool?

You can invite up to 10,000 users into your pool!

When do brackets lock?

Brackets will look at the scheduled tip-off of the first game of round 1. This does not include any play-in games. So if the first round is scheduled for a 12:15 p.m. EST tip-off, you will not be able to make or modify any selections at that point for the entire bracket.

Can the commish adjust brackets for others?

No, all brackets can only be modified by their respective owners.

Do you offer support for the women's tourney?

We currently do not, unfortunately. It's possible that we might in the future, though.

Where is the "Renew" option?

For our Bracket Mania game, you will not see a "Renew" option for each year. You will need to create a brand new pool and re-invite everyone.

Why are users getting points if they didn't make any picks?

If users fail to make any selections, the system will automatically give that user the favorite in every matchup, so they can still accumulate points. If your pool does not want that, we recommend that your commissioner removes that user from it completely.

Can I play Bracket Mania on a computer?

Our Bracket Mania game is mobile-only. We don't have any plans to offer it on web at this time.

Will removing a user remove their bracket?

Yes, and once removed, you will not be able to recover or retrieve any of their picks.

If you have any questions, feedback, or want to report a bug, please reach out to us at [email protected].

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