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Can my commissioner see my bids?
Can my commissioner see my bids?

Learn who can see you waiver claims and bid

Jacob avatar
Written by Jacob
Updated over 3 years ago

Often times throughout the course of a year, users will be outbid by $1 by their commissioner. If it happens on more than one occasion, it's understanding to suspect some sort of cheating or peeking.

There is currently one way in which a commissioner can see anyone's bids at any time. That is by them going into the Member Settings, temporarily un-assigning a user from a team, and assigning themselves.

These actions will automatically trigger a league chat message to show which teams they have gone into. So if you are skeptical and you see those league chat alerts, then you have a good idea that they looked.

We will continue to identify ways to disallow this even further.

If you have any questions about this, please email

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